On the Sixth day of Christmas

On the Sixth day of Christmas my true loves made with me…

Glowing Trees

As you can see sometimes I rope the whole family into my crafting adventures. We have done clay workshops a few times together, and it’s always a little stressful, but a lot of fun. These clay trees were easier than the mugs we made in the last project. I think that they turned out pretty good, and the kids are super proud of their creations.

Until tomorrow.

Keep Crafting


On the Fifth day of Christmas

On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love made for me…

Cousin Hats

This project started with a trip to Michaels’s with my six year old shadow. He saw the yarn with the pom pom’s attached and it was too soft to walk away from. I bought three balls of yarn, one for him, and one for each of his young cousins. Then my older son wanted one, then I asked my other sister if her kids would like hats. The next thing you know I was making a range of hats to fit 6 months to 13 years old. I knit 8 hats in total in a variety of different colours for all of my nephews, my kids and my single niece.

I can’t wait to see the pictures of all of them in their new toques. But first I have to take a trip to the schools lost and found to see if I can’t find one of my kids hats. It’s been 8 days and it’s missing already!

Pattern to follow.

Happy Crafting


On the Fourth day of Christmas

On the Fourth day of Christmas my true love made for me…

Quilted Fabric Ornaments

Many, many years ago my Nana used to make these quilted fabric ornaments. She made the  red one pictured above. I love opening the boxes of ornaments each year and reminiscing about past Christmases.

I thought that I would try making a few quilted ornaments and put my own spin on them. My quilted ornaments are made mainly from my husband’s old dress shirts. I am up-cycling, and adding a little of his personality into our decor and Christmas.

Every year I make an ornament for each of my kids so that when they grow up they will have ornaments from their childhood for their trees. They both chose their own fabrics, the red one is for my oldest, and the black one is for my youngest.

I found an excellent video tutorial here.


  • 3″ Styrofoam balls
  • Fabric or old dress shirts
  • Straight pins (about 150 per ornament)
  • ribbon

Happy Crafting.




On the Third day of Christmas

On the Third day of Christmas my true love made for me….

Teacher Toques

When I go out Christmas shopping I always see things that I love too. Often I get one to gift and one for me. When I am making gifts the same thing happens, but I like to think it is a necessary part of the process. The one for me is a pattern tester ;).

I got this great pattern called Tin Star from Ravelry and made these with Loops and Threads Cozy Wool.

Happy Crafting!

Until tomorrow.


On the Second day of Christmas

On the Second day of Christmas my true love made for me….

Star Ornaments

Yarn Stars 1

I took the day off of work today to spend the day in my oldest son’s class making yarn star crafts.  It’s like heaven to me, an entire day making crafts and attempting to influence the young people to make things. It’s going to be chaotic with 25 grade 4-5’s and a number of craft stations. But it’s Friday, and it’s bound to be significantly less stressful than my day job.

My office/craft room is like a craft store. I had everything that I needed to try this out.  If you don’t happen to live in a Michaels’s the list of supplies is below and I found a great tutorial here.


  • Yarn
  • Pins
  • Cardstock Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Glue Stick
  • Tape

Have fun crafting

Until tomorrow.



On the First day of Christmas

Welcome back!

I started this blog many years ago at Christmas specifically for the 12 days of Christmas, and each year I have continued the tradition. Let’s kick off the 2018 holiday season with a little crafting.

On the First day of Christmas my true love made for me……


Soap 1 small

I enrolled in a soap making class at a local recreation center. This soap was made in the cold process method, it is vegan and smells so delicious. This was my first attempt at soap making and I loved it. It is so satisfying to turn a bunch of ingredients into a useful product. It’s a bit different than the typical crafting that I do, because chemistry is involved.

I really wish you could smell how amazing this soap smells. I scented it with lavender and tobacco. I know it sounds like a very strange mix but the scent is a bit masculine and a bit feminine which makes the perfect combination. The black is activated charcoal, with a pink swirl and a few gold flakes because who doesn’t love glittery soap.

I am wrapping up a couple of these bars for a few lucky recipients! We can all smell the same 🙂

Happy Crafting.

Until tomorrow,



Christmas Crafts – Day 12

Wow, I made it. We crafted through the 12 days of Christmas once again.  I had a little help this year from the elves. This final project was made for my husband. He was in need of a new winter hat, and with the recent snow we had here it was finished just in time.

On the first day of Christmas my true loves made for me, an Ornament Wreath.

• On the second day of Christmas my true loves made with me, Hot Chocolate Mugs.

• On the third day of Christmas my true love made for me, Plum Wine.

• On the fourth day of Christmas my mom made for me, A Nativity Scene.

• On the fifth day of Christmas a random stranger made for me, Cotton Candy Chemo Cap.

• On the sixth day of Christmas my true loves made for me, Spontaneous Snowmen

• On the seventh day of Christmas my true love made for me, Tiny Knit Scarf Ornaments

• On the eighth day of Christmas my little loves made for me, Reindeer Balls.

• On the ninth day of Christmas my little loves made with me, Dentist approved cookies.

• On the tenth day of Christmas my true love made for me, Beyblade gloves.

• On the eleventh day of Christmas my love made, a Sewn Stocking.

• On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love made…

If you want to make this hat, I got the pattern here.

That’s a wrap. Thanks for reading. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Christmas Crafts – Day 11

It’s the 12th day of Christmas today, or maybe even day 13 but if you are like me then perhaps you have lost track of the days.

My oldest saw kids making these at school this week and decided that he wanted to make one too. I know it’s hard to believe but I had all of the materials on hand. This was his first sewing project so I am a pretty proud mom. I’m impressed my 8 year old would initiate this on his own, and follow through to completion. Perhaps crafting is genetic?

• On the first day of Christmas my true loves made for me, an Ornament Wreath.

• On the second day of Christmas my true loves made with me, Hot Chocolate Mugs.

• On the third day of Christmas my true love made for me, Plum Wine.

• On the fourth day of Christmas my mom made for me, A Nativity Scene.

• On the fifth day of Christmas a random stranger made for me, Cotton Candy Chemo Cap.

• On the sixth day of Christmas my true loves made for me, Spontaneous Snowmen

• On the seventh day of Christmas my true love made for me, Tiny Knit Scarf Ornaments

• On the eighth day of Christmas my little loves made for me, Reindeer Balls.

• On the ninth day of Christmas my little loves made with me, Dentist approved cookies.

• On the tenth day of Christmas my true love made for me, Beyblade gloves.

• On the eleventh day of Christmas my love made…

A Sewn Stocking.


Christmas Crafting – Day 10

My kids are both into Beyblades, which are essentially spinning tops. They play them at recess and apparently gloves or mittens get in the way of the fun. My youngest asked if he could cut the tops off his mittens. Instead of that very creative option I have made him finger-less gloves.

• On the first day of Christmas my true loves made for me, an Ornament Wreath.

• On the second day of Christmas my true loves made with me, Hot Chocolate Mugs.

• On the third day of Christmas my true love made for me, Plum Wine.

• On the fourth day of Christmas my mom made for me, A Nativity Scene.

• On the fifth day of Christmas a random stranger made for me, Cotton Candy Chemo Cap.

• On the sixth day of Christmas my true loves made for me, Spontaneous Snowmen

• On the seventh day of Christmas my true love made for me, Tiny Knit Scarf Ornaments

• On the eighth day of Christmas my little loves made for me, Reindeer Balls.

• On the ninth day of Christmas my little loves made with me, Dentist approved cookies.

• On the tenth day of Christmas my true love made for me…

Finger-less Beyblade Gloves.

Want to make these too? I got the pattern here.

Christmas Crafts -Day 9

The kids and I usually make a gingerbread house from a kit around Christmas. The goal isn’t about the baking, it’s about the decorating and spending time together creating something.

This year my son mentioned seeing a train gingerbread kit that he would like to make. So I went to the store he thought he saw it in and there was none to be found. I then asked my husband to pick a gingerbread house kit up at the grocery store but he decided not to get one because in his words “we usually end up throwing most of it away anyway”. I do agree but as I mentioned it’s not about the gingerbread, it’s about the time spent together.

Now it’s 2 days before Christmas and after going to 4 stores in search of a gingerbread house or train, or anything gingerbread like we ended up with a cookie decorating kit.

The cookies are hard as rocks because I ate one, just to test it out. Let’s hope none of us have a dental emergency in the next week as a result.

  • On the first day of Christmas my true loves made for me, an Ornament Wreath.
  • On the second day of Christmas my true loves made with me, Hot Chocolate Mugs.
  • On the third day of Christmas my true love made for me, Plum Wine.
  • On the fourth day of Christmas my mom made for me, A Nativity Scene.
  • On the fifth day of Christmas a random stranger made for me, Cotton Candy Chemo Cap.
  • On the sixth day of Christmas my true loves made for me, Spontaneous Snowmen
  • On the seventh day of Christmas my true love made for me, Tiny Knit Scarf Ornaments
  • On the eighth day of Christmas my little loves made for me, Reindeer Balls.
  • On the ninth day of Christmas my little loves made with me….

Dentist Approved Cookies.

If you want to make these too, good luck! Hopefully you find a kit in fewer than four stores.