Sixth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021

I saw these naked nutcrackers at the craft store and was inspired to deck them out in holiday style. I painted them while watching many Christmas movies sitting beside the Christmas tree. The Christmas spirit is finally starting to creep in.

Fifth day – Christmas Crafting 2021

When I first started making as a pre-teen cross stitch was my craft. I made & sold lots of ornaments. I also have many cross stitch ornaments on the tree that were made for me by my mom. So when I saw these wooden cross stitch blanks I was inspired.

Each year I make an ornament for my kids in the hopes that when they have their own trees they will bring a little of our traditions into their homes. This year building on my childhood they are getting these cross stitch ornaments.

Fourth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021

I remember the first time we went and made clay pieces as a family. Our youngest was about 5 which was the minimum age and for a good reason. It was hard building clay creations and helping the kids with every step. I look back and remember it being a stressful outing. But totally worth it as I watch the kids proudly take their clay trees out and display them each year.

Each year we have made family clay crafts it gets a little easier. Maybe it’s because we are all a little older, or maybe it’s because we are all getting a bit better. This year required very little parental involvement which I think is good for all of us.

At Christmas our home is decorated with all of our handmade decorations and ornaments. We are Making A Life and making memories one stressful clay making session at a time.

First Day – Christmas Crafting 2021

Hello again, Welcome to the 12 days of Christmas crafting. I’m starting out this year with ceramics that my husband and I made during a date night. We typically do one clay project a year together. The mug & teapot are slab built which challenges my patience every time.

Years ago I learned that my husband was much better at ceramics than I am. We made the mugs together and he finished about 30 minutes before me. Then he sat beside me and watched me. This is where the patience part comes in, because I hate it when someone watches me do something that I need to concentrate on.

So I made the teapot by myself, and it was very relaxing. The teapot is super cute and super drippy. If you want a teapot that will drip all over the place when it pours, I’m your girl.

Tea Set

Twelfth Day of Christmas

Our kids have been begging for a dog for quite a while. We caved. Welcome our newest member Mojo. I made him a bandana to match our Christmas pyjamas.

Tenth Day of Christmas

When I shop I occasionally find myself thinking “I could make that”. Making things isn’t about saving money because it almost always costs more to make than to buy. Making is about putting my own spin on something I see.

I saw pillows like these but the colours were slightly different and wouldn’t work where I wanted to use them so I made some.

Ninth Day of Christmas

I found these cute wine glasses at the dollar store and they were calling for funny wine sayings. I can’t wait until I can gather with friends outside in the summer and sip wine from my fun new wine glasses. “Speaking in Cursive” is my favourite.

Eighth Day of Christmas

On the Eighth Day of Christmas I am making new holiday tea towels. We tend to use Christmas tea towels all year round and as a result ours are looking sad. I thought I would freshen up the kitchen with these fun and festive ones.

Seventh Day of Christmas

I’m jacked to spend Christmas with my quarantine crew. I’ll miss my extended family but I’m also looking forward to 10 days off work with my tiny crew in our matching shirts. Holiday plans over here are definitely different but also matchy matchy.

Sixth Day of Christmas

Don’t mind me I’m just over here entertaining myself with fun candle names. The candles are soy, wood wick, and smell like lavender. I’ve been playing with candle making for a few months and I can’t seem to get the wick to wax ratio quite right, yet but the candle names are on point.