Living in the Age of Airplanes

Making A Life Aerial 7

Yesterday, I took my kids to see “Living in the Age of Airplanes” at the IMAX theater. The movie provided a history of travel and got me excited to see more of the world. I take airplane travel for granted as I have been flying my whole life.

A few years ago I was flying to and from work each week in a float plane, and while that sounds exotic, it was quite turbulent most of the time. What it did provide me with was the opportunity to photograph the ground below. Aerial photography is my favourite kind of photography; it is dependent on so many factors which makes snapping a great photo that much more rewarding. These are some of the recent photos that I took on our way to and from visiting family in Ontario.

Here is a link to some of the aerial photos that I took on my way to and from work, and another link with photos from a recent trip to Florida.

5 thoughts on “Living in the Age of Airplanes

  1. cartoonsbygravy December 29, 2016 / 2:02 pm

    Fun photos. In an airplane the sites below move along at a gentle pace so you can study the area a while, but not too long that it gets dull. Hope you’re always lucky to get a window seat in your future travels!

    Liked by 1 person

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