Blackberry Jam

Blackberries makingalife.meWho loves FREE food?  I sure do.  We have blackberries growing in our yard but after we picked all of the ripe ones my oldest suggested we go in search for more.  It’s not hard to find blackberry bushes in our neighbourhood, but it is a little tricky to find the bushes that haven’t been picked over.  Did we ever score today though, we went a little off the path and found the mother load of ripe juicy berries.  Here are some pics of our berry picking adventures today.  Someone was way more interested in eating than picking, but who can blame him.

I have never made jam before but now that I know how easy it is I have no idea why it took me so long.  With the blackberries we picked I made a small batch of jam, and I still have a couple of containers full of berries for the next baking adventure.  I love that this jam has 3 ingredients, how easy is that.  I followed this recipe and it turned out great.  Here are some pics of the jam in process.


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