On the Seventh day of Christmas

On the Seventh day of Christmas my true love made for me…

Paper Stars

When I moved across the country 11 years ago, we were broke. We had just moved in October and I started a new job in the middle of November. We were living in a one bedroom furnished basement apartment. We didn’t have Christmas decorations, and couldn’t afford a Christmas tree. We bought a string of lights for the tree that came with our furnished apartment, and decorated it with paper cranes. It was simple festive and inexpensive.

These stars are in line with the cost of the paper cranes from our first Christmas. I bought a book with 100 sheets of patterned paper for $7.00 and the ribbon at the dollar store for $2.50 (2 spools with 5 colours each). You also need a glue stick which I borrowed from my son, and a glue gun which I had. With many hours of binge watching labour you can make 100 ornaments for $9.50.

For instructions there is a visual tutorial here.

Happy Crafting



Ebb & Flow

Two and a half months after brain surgery my husband and I went away over night to celebrate our anniversary without the kids! It was the same weekend as the Brain Cancer Got Me Thinking art show, in October 2015. I participated in the art show and was interested in seeing the show, but I also wanted to have a spa weekend with my husband.

We opted for the spa weekend, and I am glad that we did. We spent the better part of the day in a mineral pool and it was the first time in a long time that I felt relaxed. It also inspired the piece which I submitted this year for the Brain Cancer Got Me Thinking art show.

Ebb & Flow is a quilling (paper) piece inspired by our weekend away post surgery. Learning that you have a brain tumour is a dark experience. “Ebb & Flow” depicts my recovery from brain surgery. The large dark circles represent the hours spent in surgery and the balance of the circles depicts the good and bad days after surgery. I was in a state of constant fluctuation much like the ebb and flow of the tide. The colours used are intended to represent water.

This piece is part of the Brain Cancer Got Me Thinking show at the Visual Space Gallery in Vancouver. The show runs from May 3-9th. If you check it out let me know what you think.