On the ninth day of Christmas…

coastersMy kids love coasters. Yes the ones that you put drinks on. They throw them as frisbees, use them as plates, roll them and who knows what else. I find them everywhere, in beds, outside, in the bathroom, under rugs you name it I have probably found a coaster there. I have no idea why they have a fascination with them but I can tell you that they disappear and get broken at an alarming rate.

So I decided to make some that wouldn’t get broken (or at least not into sharp pieces), can’t chip, and would be kind to the inside of my washing machine and were made from scraps of felt. I also made 5 because for sure one (or more) will go missing. There isn’t much point in buying something nice at least not for a while.

If you find yourself in a coaster predicament as well or you just think that these are cute and would like some for yourself the instructions are as follows:

Step 1. Cut felt into 1cm strips (using standard felt sheets). I used 8 colours but you can use as few or as many as you like. I used 17 strips per coaster, 2 strips per colour plus one extra in the outside colour.

Step 2. You can use white glue but mine needed to be super durable, so I opted for hot glue. Starting with any colour wrap and glue the end of one of the felt strips to make a small cylinder.


Step 3. Glue and wrap additional strips of felt. If you are using white glue use straight pins and pin as you wrap and glue. With hot glue you don’t need pins.

Step 4. Once you get to the end of the felt add in the second strip. Glue and wrap the strips in sections.

almost done

Step 5. Once you have used all 16 strips of felt glue the last strip around the outside butting it up against the same colour.




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